
Home Painters Toronto Hillcrest Dental Centre Angelo's Garden Centre Wasaga Beach Brewing Company The Hair Spot King's Ale House New Wave Electronics Mansteel Limited

Player Statistics


16 MANSTEEL7Scivoletto, Paul42347610
21 Exp Realty10Rogers, Jason3838766
38 Angelo's Garden Centre18Bonanni, Dan4628746
45 New Wave Electronics9Hitz, Greg3332652
51 Exp Realty21Veitch, Tony3430642
62 Home Painters Toronto11Cooperberg, Lorne4023638
74 King Henry's Arms7Capotosto, Vinnie3128590
81 Exp Realty2Corazza, Robert18365410
98 Angelo's Garden Centre4Blowers, Jaret27255220
106 MANSTEEL14Grima, Charlie2030504
114 King Henry's Arms6Machulec, Matt31164711
121 Exp Realty16Eliopulos, John1036462
137 The Hair Spot3Gilary, Ari3114454
144 King Henry's Arms2Smith, Mike1926458
153 Wasaga Beach Brewing Co.11Salemi, Corrado1827456
166 MANSTEEL11Belvedere, Joseph2420446
173 Wasaga Beach Brewing Co.12Grima, Sam26174324
185 New Wave Electronics11Kenno, Martin2221432
197 The Hair Spot6Stevens, Ron20234323
208 Angelo's Garden Centre9Da Silva, Rod2023434
217 The Hair Spot8Branch, Devin22204216
226 MANSTEEL4Josiah, Chris2020406
233 Wasaga Beach Brewing Co.9Andreevski, Vasco2510352
242 Home Painters Toronto4Marshall, James21133418
258 Angelo's Garden Centre5Latour, Mike12223410
267 The Hair Spot16Sitsman, Shawn1320338
275 New Wave Electronics4Gibbons, Michael2193024
281 Exp Realty4McElroy, Greg1416308
298 Angelo's Garden Centre7DeMarco, Richard1514298
304 King Henry's Arms12Malandrino, Paul1316292
316 MANSTEEL9Yoo, Jason1217296
321 Exp Realty11Simon, Mike9202912
337 The Hair Spot7Leung, Kalok1016264
344 King Henry's Arms4Haffey, Chris8182619
352 Home Painters Toronto6Kofman, Ron521264
367 The Hair Spot10Thorsell, Larry916252
375 New Wave Electronics2Chow, Glen1410242
382 Home Painters Toronto14Gollob, Michael1212244
395 New Wave Electronics8Tan, Jake1113244
404 King Henry's Arms21Babcock, Chris816248
412 Home Painters Toronto10Klym, Mike4202410
427 The Hair Spot12Gorelik, Gary815232
436 MANSTEEL6Metallo, Steve716236
445 New Wave Electronics7Eng, Lester1111224
452 Home Painters Toronto21Kalkanis, Rick1011218
464 King Henry's Arms18Sygounas, Harris516212
478 Angelo's Garden Centre21Ammendolia, Domenic713206
488 Angelo's Garden Centre6Valenti, Robert118198
491 Exp Realty18Embleton, Rob712192
507 The Hair Spot18Cusmariu, Sandu613194
515 New Wave Electronics3Plaxton, David5141914
523 Wasaga Beach Brewing Co.8Skenderis, John99188
533 Wasaga Beach Brewing Co.10Therrien, Jacques611172
546 MANSTEEL8Vanderpluym, Gerald512178
558 Angelo's Garden Centre3Graham, Joe412166
568 Angelo's Garden Centre8Noble, Bruce412162
574 King Henry's Arms10Chin, David313164
582 Home Painters Toronto7Palmer, Murray691512
592 Home Painters Toronto18Taylor, Kevin691510
602 Home Painters Toronto5Bryan, Joe69152
616 MANSTEEL5Corrado, Sal3121518
627 The Hair Spot9Middleton, Ty58138
638 Angelo's Garden Centre14Olsen, Jeff2111316
644 King Henry's Arms14Doman, Eric66120
653 Wasaga Beach Brewing Co.7Iaboni, Bruno57124
665 New Wave Electronics14Gibbons, Larry48122
674 King Henry's Arms16Tobin, Kevin210128
686 MANSTEEL30Carlyle, Bill012120
696 MANSTEEL16Peterson, Ronnie74112
705 New Wave Electronics12Poon, Edward65114
711 Exp Realty14Gole, Robert56116
726 MANSTEEL2Lee, Joey47116
731 Exp Realty8Yip, Henry38118
743 Wasaga Beach Brewing Co.5Morizio, Louie38116
758 Angelo's Garden Centre2Roman, Steve38114
767 The Hair Spot4Pegoraro, Ivan38114
775 New Wave Electronics16Kwan, Adam38112
785 New Wave Electronics10Rocca, Adam29114
794 King Henry's Arms9Trichilo, Rob64107
806 MANSTEEL21Baillargeon, Paul28108
811 Exp Realty7May, Jeff5492
827 The Hair Spot5Mason, Chris36910
832 Home Painters Toronto3Earl, Don4486
846 MANSTEEL12Conlon, Chris35822
852 Home Painters Toronto2Greenberg, Larry3582
863 Wasaga Beach Brewing Co.18Young, Brian08812
876 MANSTEEL10Nakata, Kevin3472
885 New Wave Electronics5Young, Doug4264
891 Exp Realty9DiPaola, Mike4262
905 New Wave Electronics18Meadows, James3368
914 King Henry's Arms11Viverette, Rob3364
923 Wasaga Beach Brewing Co.14Faieta, Frank2462
938 Angelo's Garden Centre12Brown, Geoff15610
948 Angelo's Garden Centre16Angaran, John1560
953 Wasaga Beach Brewing Co.2Brennan, Ronan2354
962 Home Painters Toronto16Zevulunov, Erez2352
974 King Henry's Arms5Fox, Gerry05512
987 The Hair Spot21Kominek, Paul3140
993 Wasaga Beach Brewing Co.3Milner, Jamie1346
1003 Wasaga Beach Brewing Co.6Aldrovandi, Mark1344
1012 Home Painters Toronto12Lonergan, Brian1342
1023 Wasaga Beach Brewing Co.16Malandrino, Sam1232
1034 King Henry's Arms3Major, Jay1122
1047 The Hair Spot11Mitnik, Michael0220
1052 Home Painters Toronto30Arai, Andy0110
1067 The Hair Spot30Goalie, Team70110
1074 King Henry's Arms30Ho, Dominic0110
1085 New Wave Electronics111Team 5, Penalty0006
1096 MANSTEEL111Team 6, Penalty0004
1101 Exp Realty5McDonald, Harold0002
1118 Angelo's Garden Centre111Team 8, Penalty0002
1123 Wasaga Beach Brewing Co.111Team 3, Penalty0002
1131 Exp Realty111Team 1, Penalty0002
1147 The Hair Spot111Team 7, Penalty0002
1154 King Henry's Arms111Team 4, Penalty0002
1161 Exp Realty5DiPaola, Joe0000
1173 Wasaga Beach Brewing Co.30Da Silva, Manny0000
1185 New Wave Electronics30Wang, Benny0000
1191 Exp Realty30Russano, Nick0000
1208 Angelo's Garden Centre30Basmadjian, Peter0000
1212 Home Painters Toronto111Team 2, Penalty0000